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Jemima's Blog
Here you can keep up-to-date on Jemima's progress!
Final update: Parkrun!
Jemima's Pink Week Parkrun / Posted: 04/02/2023
I completed the Parkrun!! Ran the full 5K! Really massive thank you to everyone who donated and supported me, it motivated me to get out on the cold mornings and dark evenings and to push myself to the end! As I write, we've raised £275, which is £55 to each of Pink Week's breast cancer charities - that's amazing!! I'm really proud. Here's me eating a well-deserved Biscoff brownie at the finish line!

Update 4 - I ran 5K!
Jemima's Pink Week Parkrun / Posted: 01/02/2023
Today I went running with the lovely Francois! We went in opposite directions round Christchurch Meadows, so every time we passed each other, it was a little boost of motivation. My form was also much better so no shin splints this time! With all that, I actually ran 5K for the first time in two years! Feeling hyped for the Parkrun on Saturday :D

Update 3 - some setbacks :(
Jemima's Pink Week Parkrun / Posted: 29/01/2023
So, I've been for two runs this week: the first one I did about 3.5K, which was ok, but started to feel some shin splints so I stopped. Today I went out again, trying to be slightly gentler in my running style. Unfortunately my motivation was very low and I barely got to 1K before giving up. Even though it's warmer than my previous runs, the grey skies are much less invigorating than the icy blue mornings. I'm still determined to do this 5K and I think it will be much better on the day surrounded by many people! For now, I'll take a couple of days to rest, then try for one or two more runs before the big one!

Update 2 - getting there!
Jemima's Pink Week Parkrun / Posted: 24/01/2023
Thanks to everyone who has donated so far! Honestly I nearly didn't run today because it was cold and dark, however, motivated by your support, I set out and got to 4.6K! It really means a lot as I didn't believe that I would be able to run a 5K with less than 2 weeks of preparation, but thanks to the great cause and all your support, it's looking very likely!

Update 1
Jemima's Pink Week Parkrun / Posted: 24/01/2023
When I signed up for Parkrun, I conveniently forgot that I hadn't run in at least a year. I went for my first laps of Christ Church Meadows on Friday 20th Jan and made it 3.5K, which gives me two weeks to build up the remaining 1.5K! Wish me luck! (Attached: sweaty post-run photo)

Jemima's Recent Supporters
Jasmine Reid
Jasmine Reid
Well done! 🏃‍♀️
You are indeed Amazing!!!
Lisa Williams
Lisa Williams
Well done Jemima!
£10 + £2.50 Gift Aid
Robert Douglas
Robert Douglas
All the best from the Douglas / Offords!
£20 + £5.00 Gift Aid
Ali Morgan
Ali Morgan
Good luck Jemima! Great cause and one very close to my heart ❤️ Hope you have a great run xx
£20 + £5.00 Gift Aid
Bridgette Tomlins
Bridgette Tomlins
Jemima, just think of it as a long run (3.5k) followed by a short run (1.5k)! Most of all, have fun. x
£20 + £5.00 Gift Aid
Letitia Rogers
Letitia Rogers
Good luck Jemima! From the Rogers Family
£20 + £5.00 Gift Aid
£5 + £1.25 Gift Aid
Andrew Freeman
Andrew Freeman
Great cause. Looking forward to having you as my couchto5k coach!
£50 + £12.50 Gift Aid